My Osteoporosis Journey (Diary of Reluctant HRT User, part 1)
“Why would you start HRT at 54-and-half, and happily free of menopause symptoms?” This is...
My Osteoporosis Journey (Diary of Reluctant HRT User, part 2)
Making a choice between HRT to try to improve bone density post-menopause (after you have...
My Osteoporosis Journey (Diary of Reluctant HRT User, part 3)
Side-effects and nothingness. I have worked in the world of menopause for 10 years. Alongside...
12 Yoga Poses for Osteoporosis: debunking the myth
This is not a concise blog with handy pictures. This is me giving as much...
Best Collagen for Menopause
Collagen supplements are becoming more and more popular among women in menopause. Here I help...
Are Yoga Teachers Making Unfounded Claims About Yoga’s Benefits?
The short answer is, yes. But it’s nuanced of course. Yoga has well-established, researched and...
Podcasts I Have Guested On
A few choice ones! Click on each one to listen. Yoga Medicine The Midlife Feast...
Boost Your Menopause Breakfast
A fully nourishing breakfast may really help you with many struggles, like energy, weight gain,...
Changing Libido in Perimenopause
Libido in Menopause – Many women report “loss of libido” as one of the most...
Meditation for Human Brains
Do you meditate with one eye on the future or the past? Has anyone ever...
A Little of What You Fancy
Moving into the field of Nutrition and Health Coaching, despite my formal education (advanced Diploma),...
Two Easy Recipes to Support You in Perimenopause & Beyond
What’s the first ingredient I look for in recipes to support my mid-life body, heart...
Duck! It’s Perimenopause!
Can a duck possibly shed light on your perimenopause? Yes! But you may have noticed...
Why Yoga for Menopause, and Not Just the Gym?
Why Yoga for Menopause, and not just Pilates, the gym or running? Yoga for Menopause...
Is Menopause a Trauma or a Trigger?
Warning: this may be a difficult read… Is menopause a trauma or a trigger? We...
Five tips for exercise during perimenopause and beyond.
Here’s my five tips for exercise during perimenopause and beyond. 1: Stop before you...
How Can Yoga for Menopause Help You?
Yoga at any time of life is an enormously valuable tool. But how can Yoga...